Mehedi Hassan Piash | Senior Software Engineer | Android | iOS | KMP | Ktor | Jetpack Compose | React-Native.

December 21, 2021

Collapsible toolbar programatically in android

December 21, 2021 Posted by Piash , No comments

Sometimes may need the toolbar collapsible in the initial stage or in a certain condition. In that time we implement the functionality programmatically. Here is the following code or function we can call in a particular condition.

fun setCollapsibleToolbar() {
val params = appBar.layoutParams as CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams
val behavior = params.behavior as AppBarLayout.Behavior?
if (behavior != null) {
val valueAnimator: ValueAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofInt()
valueAnimator.interpolator = DecelerateInterpolator()
valueAnimator.addUpdateListener { animation ->
behavior.topAndBottomOffset = (animation.animatedValue as Int)!!
valueAnimator.setIntValues(0, -900)
valueAnimator.duration = 400




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